Monday, September 29, 2014

Lesson 14 (2014)

The waves are back, sorry I didn't notice the lines until this morning. I will put some screen shots on so you can see the problems we did in the video along with your homework more clearly.

You should be able to click on these and make them bigger.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences

If you would please sign up for parent teacher conferences:

Wednesday and Thursday, October 1 and October 2 from 3:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Calendar Link

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Homework on your day off

I almost forgot to post this, this morning.
Of course you have homework. Watch the video and find out what you have to do for homework. Have a great day!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Lesson 1-12

Unit 1 Lesson 12

Today's lesson is a recording from last year. Both of my computers would not work (at least not fast enough for me to adjust the video), so I apologize it is a little longer than normal. With this Wednesday being a day off for the students, the question will be, when is it due, and will we have to do another lesson for Friday?

  1. Tonight's homework will not be due until Thursday, and
  2. Yes, I will post the homework Wednesday Morning so it will be due Friday.
Practice your 4's Times Tables

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Lesson 9 B

This lesson is Building Fluency with the 2s, 5s, 9s, and 10s Times Tables. That means you need to practice them until you know them automatically. Well I have identified why the lessons are wobbly, and I tried fixing this video, but there are still parts that I couldn't fix. I now know how to fix it and will adjust future videos. This video has 11 problems, but more importantly is to practice the times tables.

Education Place Games

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lesson 1-7 (2014)

Math Lesson 1.7

This was a remake of the video from last year unfortunately it is a little fuzzy.
If you would like to watch the video from last year, here is the link. It is the same content, just a bit longer.
Remember the WSQ,

  1. When and Where did you watch the Video
  2. Summary: The lesson is about what?
  3. Question: Bring back a question that your group has to answer.

This second video is optional, I tried to teach the students how to use multiplication and division with the use of Gummi Bears. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Lesson 5

Today's lesson is Lesson 5 of our book. Multiplying by 2's

I have not had the internet at my house for the last two weeks. So I do understand, when the internet is not working. The students are getting into the routine, and they know that their homework is due on Wednesdays and Fridays. I have talked with everyone to make sure that they either have access to the blog or they can borrow a DVD. I know there will be hiccups and maybe even some fumbles, but the excuse of, "My dog ate my homework," can't be used anymore. I have explained to the students that when there are problems that they need to explain that in their notebook. As a parent, you are welcome to add your thoughts on the lessons and let me know of circumstances that arise. That way when we record homework, I can still give your student credit for doing their best. Sometimes our best, is showing the effort.

Video YouTube Video

Math work on Friday

Our Group work on Friday Morning we were sorting and grouping manipulatives.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


SO I did the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, what can we do in our class to do something in Reading? Come on I bet we can come up with a challenge and meet it with our reading. Mr. Sparks will even participate if we ask him to do the challenge with us. Maybe we can do something with the whole school.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Second Lesson - Math Lesson 1.3

Here is the Lesson for today:

and this link is the YouTube Link:

A couple of Notes:

  • I realized as I went to pass out the "Homework Note" that we had already sent the note home, Now the other sheets are included. The  Signature Sheet can be a helpful way of tracking your progress. Each column can be checked off or signed after you have passed them off. The back side is a DASH sheet that will make more sense when the Dash Sheet is sent home. The other paper is the Study Sheet A. This one you do not want to lose, because it is helpful in helping the students to learn their 5s, 2s, 10s, and 9s time tables and also division. For convenience I will be posting those sheets on the blog in case you do lose them.
  • Working on having the videos ready. I found out that not everyone has the same player. So this week I have three different formats. When you open the DVD either on the computer or on a DVD or BluRay player, it should give you a selection. The title for this lesson is "FlipLesson 3." There is a .mp4 video, an .avi video, and a .mov video. For those that don't have internet, one of those options should work. (I expect there is always an exception so let me know).

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Lesson (Part two - at home)

Okay now for the homework part of the lesson. My goal is to have this uploaded on Monday's by 3:00 and Wednesday's by 2:00. Now if there is a glitch or technical difficulties than there will be a message. I will have bad days, just like you. So be Flexible that is one of the key components to doing a flipped lesson. Here is the video that you need to watch.

  • Take notes and make sure that you write down the problems.
  • Figure out the Answers (of course).
  • Do the WSQ
    • Who did you watch it with? When? where?
    • Summary What did you learn?
    • Question (write down one question for another student to answer)
  • See if you can do the project that was mentioned in the video.
    • Sort something in equal groups. (I did M&Ms)
  • Bring back your Folder Thursday or Friday. It is due Friday
The file is being uploaded as we speak . . .

First Lesson

Today's lesson we will begin by showing a video during class that we will model what we are to do at home. This first lesson is a video that shows how to use the white board in class. Follow along to figure out how we will (should do our homework).

embedded video

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Flip Coming . . .

We are now finished with the first week of school. This is a quick note to make sure we are ready for tomorrow's first flipped lesson. Parents you will notice (students make sure you share with your parents the two papers that we had you put in your backpack), that the papers describe the Math Expressions and how to help your child study and work towards understanding third grade math. The main point is that you and your child (the student) need to find ways to learn the multiplications, "the times tables." I would strongly suggest that you find some ways to practice every night.

Suggested homework schedule:
Flipped Lesson Practice Times Tables Flipped Lesson Practice Times Tables
Read for 20 min Reading / Spelling Read for 20 min Reading / Spelling

So to answer some questions: Yes, you should read every day. Yes, you should practice Times Tables daily. No, you shouldn't have any homework on Friday that is Family time.

Now it is a little past a "quarter after three o'clock." What time will it be in 2 and 1/2 hours from now?