Monday, August 31, 2015

New Year

If you are trying to find information for the 2015 School Year, I have moved my blog to a better spot so that I can keep things organized.

Please go to this website: It will have tonight's homework.

The quiz 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Unit 7-Review and Test

Homework if you did forget to take your book home:  Review and Test
And here are some links that Tanner found for some games that will help you understand fractions a little bit better.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lesson 7-4 Composing Fractions

Lesson 7-4 Compare Unit Fractions

Lesson 7-4 Notes
Lesson 7-4  Homework

Today's Lesson is on comparing Unit Fractions.
Don't forget spelling this week - it is Week 28 words (Compound Words)! YouTube Links below:

Comparing Unit Fractions:
And some Fraction Games:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Unit 6 Review

We are going to review everything from Unit 6, but the most important concepts to understand are area and perimeter.

Today's Homework will be from your soft book.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lesson 6-7 Reteach

Looking at everyone's homework I realized my mistake in trying to get everything taught I skipped a lesson.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Lesson 6-7 Compare Areas and Perimeters

Make sure you know the difference between Area and Perimeters.

Homework                            Notes

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lesson 6-4 Classifying Quadrilaterals

Here is the homework. After my meetings today, I plan to put up a slide show that goes over the homework. I will try to have those posted by 6:00 tonight.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Chapter 6 Lesson 2 Parallelograms

Parallelograms, Rectangles, Squares, and Rhombuses

Try saying that fast three times!

Lesson 6-2 Notes
Lesson 6-2 Homework  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chapter 5 Unit Review and Test

Homework pages were handed out today.

Yes, the test will be this Friday!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Lesson 5-9 Homework is due Wednesday

Equations with Two Step Word Problems:
Please view the video, so you will learn from my mistakes, just like Puzzled Penguin!

Lesson 5-9 Notes
Lesson 5-9 Homework

This is getting you ready for the Test this Friday. Yes we are almost done with this unit.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Lesson 5-7 Two Step Word Problems

In today's lesson we will be doing two step word problems, where you really should write down the first step question before you can do the second step:

Lesson 5-7 Notes
Lesson 5-7 Homework

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Lesson 5-5 Comparison Problems

Comparison Problems but with a twist, with these problems you have to be careful. Here is the homework and notes for this lesson:

Lesson 5-5 Notes
Lesson 5-5 Homework

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chapter 5 Lesson 1

Addition and Subtraction Situations
    We start a new unit today, and guess what it's more ways to add and subtract:

  Friday's Notes
Friday's Homework

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

End of Chapter 4

We are wrapping up the last part of Chapter 4. Tomorrow in class we will be making sure everyone has their homework from Wednesday completed. In the mean time, all those that do have internet will you please take this quiz: Quick-Quiz 4-3. So do we have homework - only if you didn't do it for Wednesday. Take the time to "Sharpen the Saw!"

Now remember on Friday we are dressing up, but that means wearing a nicer shirt than usual. We still have P.E. in the gym so if you wear jeans and a nice shirt that will be what we want.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Lesson 4-17 Solving Word Problems B

Lesson Outline for Week 23  of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:
The Homework for Friday - It feels like we keep doing Addition and Subtraction problems, and yes that is true, but just think, you are getting to be a pro at Mathematics.

Friday  Video
Lesson 4.17
Solve Word Problems
Lesson 4.17 Notes                  4.17 In HomeWork

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Lesson 4-15 Subtraction Practice B

First of all do the quiz first:
Quick Quiz 4-2

Remember to do your WSQ, remember this is due Wednesday so you have tonight and tomorrow that you can watch the video and do the homework.

Lesson Outline for Week 19 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

Lesson 4.14
Relate Addition
& Subtraction
Lesson 4.15
Subtraction Practice
Lesson 4.16
Addition &

    Wednesday, January 28, 2015

    Lesson 4-12 Subtract Across Zeros B

    Yes, I know this has "Christmas" written all over and I needed to redo this video, but now you can remember some of the good parts from last month.Yes, it's under 10 minutes!!!

    Monday, January 26, 2015

    Lesson 4-10 Practicing Addition

    Today's Homework
    Remember to do your WSQ - especially a word problem using the Carnival Ticket Totals.

    Lesson Outline for Week 22 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

    Lesson 4.8
    Lesson 4.9
    The Grouping Concept
    in Addition
    Lesson 4.10
    Practice Addition
    Lesson 4.11
    Ungroup to Subtract.
    Lesson 4.8 Notes

    Lesson 4.9 Notes

    Lesson 4.11 Notes
    4.8 In Class Work
    4.9 In ClassWork
    4.10 HomeWork

    4.11 In Class Work
    a Review of
    how to do Proof Drawings

    Game Links
    1. Addie Math
    Other Links

    Wednesday, January 21, 2015

    Lesson 4-7 Multidigit Addition

    The worksheet is due Friday. Worksheet 4-7

    If you need help doing a proof drawing - Here is number 1:

    The Quiz that you need to take before Friday:

    And the Game:

    Wednesday, January 14, 2015

    Lesson 4-5 Rounding to 100s place

    Lesson Outline for rest of Week 19 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

    Lesson 4.4
    Practice with Place Value
    Lesson 4.5
    Round to the Nearest Hundred
    Favorite Place
    Value Links
    1. Number Line Mine
    2. Destination Math 
    3. Place Value 
    4. PV Hockey
    5. Virtual Library
    Background Information
    1. Brain Bop-Rounding
    2. Math Coach -
      Rounding Hundreds
    3. Math Coach -
      Special Cases
    4. Nearest Hundred

    Monday, January 12, 2015

    Lesson 4-3 Place Value Word Problems

    Homework right here
    This is just over 16 minutes, working on keeping it under 15. Remember this is due on Wednesday.

    Lesson Outline for Week 19 Part 1:

    Lesson 4.2
    Build Numbers
    Lesson 4.3
    Place Value in Word Problems
    Lesson 4.4
    Practice with Place Value
    1. Place Value Story -
      By Todd Nelsoney
    2. Place Value Fairy
    3. Cyberchase Episode
       - And
      They Counted
      Happily Ever After
      Favorite Place
      Value Links
      1. Number Line Mine
      2. PV Destination Math 
      3. Place Value 
      4. Place Value Hockey
      5. Virtual Library

      Tuesday, January 6, 2015

      Lesson 4-1

      It would seem that with the new year we would be already back into the swing of things. The week before Christmas break, just didn't feel like we should have a test before we left, so I postponed the Chapter 3 Test until this first week back. This means we will be starting up Chapter 4, and the first assignment will be due this Friday.

      We have been pushing multiplication and division so long and now we are going back to the basics as we relearn how to add and subtract (at a third grade level).
      Here are some worksheets; First one is Homework - (I will explain in class how this works): Second one is the Notes.
      Homework                            Notes