Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day

What a wonderful day. This is the best class, I have 27 students and all of them came ready to learn.  This is just a quick note for today. If you come back after 5:00 you will see a video of the students and their first day. The students will be telling me in the next few days if they have access to the internet. This is where the homework will be stored and will usually be instruction in mathematics. Tonight's homework is to get the "School" information papers turned back in by Friday.

Now for the answer that you are supposed to tell me is: "Bothwell" I used to live there as a young child, and I attended North Park Elementary during my second and third grade years. So to make it a little more interesting, here is a math problem. If I traveled to Bothwell every day it will take me 24 minutes to travel one way. How long will it take if I go there and return back to the school?  _____
  1. Remember get the papers turned in by Friday and,
  2. A quick IntroVideo of today: 
    • The Tech guy took control of my computer - I will be about 5:30 instead of 5:00
    • Sorry District Server was blocking my YouTube Channel. Here you go Enjoy!

Mr. Ronald Fisher