Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lesson 6 7 Compare Areas Perimeters 2

This blog post is more appropriately titled: Flip Flopped! Sorry about the audio, I do not know what happened.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lesson 6-4 Classifying Quadrilaterals

My power went out last night and I couldn't make the video. Here is the homework. After my meetings today, I plan to put up a slide show that goes over the homework. I will have those posted by 5:00 tonight.


The Slides of this Flipped Lesson

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lesson 6-2 Parallelograms

Parallelograms, Rectangles, Squares, Rhombuses and Trapezoids! 
Try saying that fast three times!

Lesson 6-2 Notes
Lesson 6-2 Homework  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Delayed Lesson

Because of Parent Teacher Conferences there will only be one Flipped Lesson this week. It will not be on the blog until Tuesday Morning. Your Homework for this lesson will also be handed out on Tuesday, meaning it will be due on Thursday! This will be a Review and Test Worksheet, because the Test will be Thursday.