Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lesson 4-12 Subtract Across Zeros

Merry Christmas, and yes, it's under 10 minutes!!!

Quick Quiz 4.2

This quiz will be made available after everyone has taken the quiz on Monday afternoon. 
This Quick Quiz needs to be finished by Wednesday:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Lesson 4-10 Practice Addition

Today's Lesson
Today's Homework
Remember to do your WSQ - especially a word problem using the Carnival Ticket Totals.

Practice Addition

Lesson Outline for Week 17 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

Lesson 4.9
The Grouping Concept
in Addition
Lesson 4.10
Practice Addition
Lesson 4.11
Ungroup to Subtract.

Lesson 4.11 Notes

4.11 In Class Work

Game Links
  1. Addie Math
Other Links

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lesson 4-7 Multidigit Addition

The worksheet was missing #1, so do that worksheet as is and it is due Friday.
Worksheet 4-7 You'll see that a picture is blocking the first question. Updated Version

The Quiz that you need to take before Friday:

And the Game:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lesson 4-3 Place Value Word Problems

Homework right here
This is just over 16 minutes, working on keeping it under 15. Remember this is due on Friday.

Place Value Part 2

Lesson Outline for Week 15 Part 2:

Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lesson 4.2
Build Numbers
Lesson 4.3
Place Value in Word Problems
Lesson 4.4
Practice with Place Value
  1. Place Value Story -
    By Todd Nelsoney
  2. Place Value Fairy
  3. Cyberchase Episode
    - And
    They Counted
    Happily Ever After
Favorite Place
Value Links
  1. Number Line Mine
  2. PV Destination Math 
  3. Place Value 
  4. Place Value Hockey
  5. Virtual Library

Monday, December 2, 2013

Lesson 4-1 Make Place Value Drawings

The outline for this week is in the previous post: Week 15 Outline. The handout needed some extra work (challenges), so on the back I have given you 10 extra problems to help you practice and keep your skills up to par (The extra problems were handed out today and it is not on the blog). The assignment and Lesson 4-1 will be taught on Tuesday, so there was no formal introduction to the new unit today, because we were reviewing chapter 3. Remember this will be due on Wednesday. Make sure you know how to do a Place Value Drawing.
If you haven't taken the survey, your answers will benefit our class with any feedback: Flipped Lesson Survey.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Week 15 Place Value

Lesson Outline for Week 15 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Chapter 3 Test
Lesson 4.1
Make Place Value Drawings
Lesson 4.2
Build Numbers

Background Information
  1. eduplace - Place Value Drawings
  2. MrGzps3 - Video
  3. Quizlet Flash Cards
  4. Chicago Ships
Other Links
  1. Number Line Mine
  2. PV Destination
     Math Tutorial
  3. Place Value Game
  4. Place Value Hockey

Thursday, November 21, 2013

First Tri - survey for the Flipped Lessons

10 Question Survey: First Tri - survey
I would appreciate any feedback in the next two weeks.
Thank You, 
Mr. Fisher

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Unit 3 Review

The information is all here, this is a review. Make sure that you come tomorrow or Friday with questions you have about those problems that you don't get. I will make the time to help you understand. The test will be on all the skills and concepts that have been taught in Unit 3.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lesson 3-14 Bar Graph and Time Measurement

Lesson 3-14 decided to be a wide screen, but it works. Yeah! If you look at the previous blog, you will find the information you will need to help you on the homework Outline for Week 13. If you look I also have the information for Monday and Tuesday's lesson's.

Here is a list of promised links to practice games and tutorials for those that need to review their 4's:

Lesson Outline for Week 13

Lesson Outline for Week 13 of Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Class:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Lesson 3.12
Bar Graphs w Multidigit
Lesson 3.13
Represent and Organize Data
Lesson 3.14
Use Graphs to solve Time Measurement
Lesson 3.12 Notes
Lesson 3.13 Notes
Lesson 3.14 Notes
3.12 ClassWork
3.13 ClassWork
3.14 Flippy Lesson

2nd part of Week (I am still working on these last two lessons of the week). But check back (by Tuesday afternoon) I will allow you to look/work on the Review / Test early.

Thursday Activity Friday
Lesson 3.15 Lesson 3.15 Activity Chapter 3 Test
3.15 Notes
Lesson 15
3.15 ClassWork

Hope this will help

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lesson 3-11 Pictographs

I just viewed the upload, there is some flicker. The Computer did a Windows Update right in the middle of my program uploading today's assignment, so it doesn't look as crisp as I had it.

The Assignment:
  1. Take a survey of several people's favorite ice cream flavor, (or look below for some other ideas). Survey our Class - Thrid Grade Students - Family - Friends
  2. Create a Pictograph from the survey results  (see example of Mr. Fisher's Cereal)
  3. Read data on the pictograph (make sure there is a key)
  4. Write some questions about the data and the pictograph that will be answered by another student on Friday.
  5. and be ready to share your pictograph, ask yourselves questions ??? (what did you learn?)
Survey Idea List (Original ideas were found on
Basic Pictographs
  • Ice Cream Flavors Pictograph Showing favorite ice cream flavors.
  • Girl Scout Cookies Pictograph Either favorite Cookie or sales.
  • Popcorn Sale Pictograph
  • Lemonade Stand  Graph to show lemonade stand profits. Scale counts by 5s.
  • Stuffed Animal Pictograph Basic pictograph has bear shapes to represent stuffed animals. Students will determine how many stuffed animal each person has.
  • Minutes Read by everyone in your house.
  • Favorite Sports played in Neighborhood.
Intermediate Pictographs
  • Post Office Pictograph 
  • French's Restaurant How many customers visit each year. 
  • Cupcake Bakery 
  • Bird-watching Pictograph  Use picture graph features (aka) bird symbols that count by twos.
Advanced Pictographs
  • Fishing Trip  count by 6s to determine how many fish were caught. 
  • Pumpkin Carving Picture Graph  Count by 4s to determine how many pumpkins each person carved. 

Other items for practicing or reviewing the data:
Two videos on Three Times Tables to practice

Monday, November 11, 2013

Lesson 3-9 Add & Subtract Time

Time, is worth the work, if you take the time to do your work!

Lesson 3.9 is about how to add and subtract time using a number line or a T-chart. Use the method that feels most comfortable for you as you do the assignment for Wednesday. There are a couple problems that "I do" for you to help you understand how to "jump" forward or backward on the number line. Then there are a few problems that "We Do" together, where you can pause the video and check your work. Then I go off on a tangent (which I did on purpose) so you can be introduced to a different way of adding or figuring out elapsed time, with the use of a "T-Chart." If it doesn't make sense, continue to use the number line. The assignment was handed out at the door, but if you lost it, you can print the copy underneath the video. The problems on the assignment are the part that "You Do." I expect you to really contemplate and think about the first two problems, so you can explain how you figured out the answers. Good Luck.

Remember I learn from the best, you are great students and every day you teach me something new!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Lesson 3-6 Time

The video works this time:
Well, it is 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday and I can't pull it up as a nice window (at least not from school). So click on the link and it should work. If not back up Plan B and C. 
Back Up Plan if it doesn't work this time:
and this one from CommonCore4Kids:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lesson 3-4-Weight #2

I apologize, I can't get this video file to work. 
Do the Homework, while you wait. 
Remember tomorrow is the second day of swimming! 

I hope one of these has audio. I am headed home early, to fix this on my computer at home.

You can at least get started on this, while I work with getting the video up and running.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Flip

The Video is ready. There will be a table that you can pick up tomorrow, or (give me a second and it will be right here - so you can print it off). Basically Homework for Friday, is counting your candy. But don't count every single piece of candy - estimate how much you did collect. That means make an educated guess of the amount of candy received. All you have to do is make a pictograph. (The video explains it).

Halloween Candy Pictograph Chart

Have a safe and wonderful Halloween!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lesson 3-1 Measurement (Units of Length)

This video is not the greatest, this is another video with a lot of shaky and flickering images, so I started making a slide show instead. So a lot of the images are the final image instead of showing my mouse clicks.

There are three main pages that will help you with tonight's homework.

  1. The worksheet for the video questionnaire.
  2. The Paper Inch Ruler.
  3. The Family Letter.

Because we had trouble with the Review sheet and a quiz, today, I have decided to spend an extra day working on Chapter 2 Material. The hardest part is being patient with oneself and think through the problems. Another key concept that everyone is struggling with is Order of Operation: Here is the acronym (You can remember by saying "Please Excuse MDear Aunt Sally".

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lesson 2-14 Build Fluency

Today's lesson. And Yes, I was able to fix the audio for this segment. Sorry about the last video, I had two mics on at the same time, and that was causing the distortion. Just like you I am learning.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lesson 2.12 Multiples of 10

Sorry, I didn't realize how sick I was, I will be at school tomorrow. Here is the lesson for Wednesday: Use place value and properties to multiply one-digit numbers by multiples of 10. There are 5 questions at the end of the video and don't forget to add your WSQ (Watch, Summary, Question) that you write in your notebook. Remember this is due Wednesday.
And you will have to turn up the volume, I had some technical issues that I couldn't resolve before posting.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lesson 2-8 Fixed

I got the video to work tonight, well I had to fix it for next year. So don't worry about watching this one, and remember there will be no homework next week because we won't have school on Wednesday - Friday. Enjoy Fall break!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lesson 2-8

This video didn't work. I will fix it after I get home tonight. For those that can't watch it on Thursday night, here is the link to the worksheet. Spend the majority of your time practicing your Times Tables. And then take this online quiz:

The video had some technical difficulties, with Parent Teacher Conferences I wasn't able to troubleshoot the cause. Instead here are the worksheets to discuss what was on the video. There is also the worksheet for Scrambled Multiplication Tables. I will try to have the video fixed today after conferences, but don't plan on it. Do the Worksheets.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lesson 2-6 Square Numbers

Ever heard of a square meal, or a square deal, well here's the real thing: Square Numbers. You know them 2x2= ? , 5x5= ? , or 10x10= ? . They are the products of two factors, but really it is one number times itself. Watch the video and first things first write WSQ at the top of your paper.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Lesson 2-3

This lesson teaches the Eight Times Tables. Watch the video to learn some strategies to help you understand and practice the 8's.

Worksheet - These were the problems on the video.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Lesson 2-1

This is Wednesday's Flipped Lesson. You will be learning how to Multiply and divide by 6. So start practicing your 6 Times Tables. A great place to start is the Math Songs that can be found here: there are 10 problems to do tonight. One of those problems is to find something that comes in 6.

And the video references some videos, here are some links to them on the internet:
And for those that need to have a hard copy of the homework: Lesson 2.1 on 6 x's Tables 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lesson 19

Reinforce the Common Core Standards and Mathematical Practices with a variety of real world problem-solving situations. Although today's lesson is all about an activity that we will be doing on Friday, we really are preparing for the Chapter Test. We will be taking a couple more Quick Quizzes this week to see if we are ready. So keep practicing those times tables.
The Worksheet will go right here. <Later>

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lesson 17

Here is today's lesson on playing multiplication and division games, but there are still some problems you will need to do. Remember today's lesson is not due until Wednesday when you need to be ready to discuss and share what you have learned with your classmates. The worksheet will be posted later this afternoon.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lesson 14

Building Fluency with 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 9s, and 10s

This is exciting creating these videos and sharing them. With each video lesson I find I make mistakes, and I learn how to teach something better and in a different way to help you learn better. Monday I learned that I need to have the worksheet ready before I start, and during Tomorrow's class discussion I will find out which students still need some clarification. It's like a magician, every time I pull something out of the hat it comes with new things to fix. I love the feedback!

A game to practice:

Video Worksheet:
Lesson 14 Homework Sheet

Monday, September 16, 2013

Lesson 12

This is Lesson 12, which will be taught on Wednesday of this week. Remember to get out your Green Notebook so you can write down the answers. There are 15 Questions on the homework. I can't promise a time, but I am working on There is a worksheet that will be posted  is right underneath this video, so you can check and see if you have written all of the answers in your notebook. Good Luck and remember you really should be practicing your 3's, 4s, 0s and 1s this week, and reviewing your 2s, 5s, 10s, and 9s from last week.

Lesson 12 Homework.

Option 1: click on images to see problems
Option 2: a pdf of the problems

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lesson 9

Fast Arrays, Building Fluency for 2s, 5s, 9s, and 10s.

Thanks for the wonderful day today, you were awesome. Even if we didn't have power today, you were energizing!
Mr. Fisher

Monday, September 9, 2013

Lesson 7

Now this is going to take all of our efforts to remember that this video will be Wednesday's work. As I was planning this out I realized that I am planning for a lesson 3 days from when I created it. It will take some getting used to, and some planning on my part. Today's lesson will be in two parts, mainly because I saw a concept needed to be reviewed. So when you get off the bus today after school, you can start watching this first video that reviews how to divide.

Here is the process one more time:
  1. Have your notebook ready to write down 5-10 problems.
  2. Watch the video. Today it is about 10 minutes and the second one will be about 8 (14) minutes. (I plan to shorten them, with continued practice). 
  3. Pause the video to write down your answers.
  4. Then be ready to discuss your answers with your group on Wednesday.

Who said you were done? You should still be studying, practicing your multiplication times tables, or reading a book (20 Minutes - Note coming home tomorrow). Total time spent should be between 30 - 45 minutes total.

Part One:

Part Two:

List of Resources to practice concepts in this lesson:
  1. Mega Math: Counting Critters
  2. iTools -  Go to the Counters Tab 
Hablar EspaƱol:
  1. Mega Math: Cuentanimales
  2. iTools - Fichas

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lesson 2.5

After getting a really good lesson prepared and recorded, I just barely went to upload this video and found out there was no audio. So for those that are able to get to this point with me. This assignment will be ready for tomorrow, but not tonight. For those that still won't be able to get online, well you and I have one more day to catch up. For those that are worried about not having homework (Mr. Fisher the teacher is horrified "I need to give homework!") Tomorrow you will be given some tools to help you practice Multiplication and Division on a daily basis. Also coming up shortly you will have a homework folder to keep track of your reading, and of course your math practice. The Green Notebook is where you will write your assignments

For those that need some homework - practice the 2's Times Tables:

Mr. Fisher
May the Force Be with Us tomorrow!

Yeah, Third Times a Charm! It works!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Lesson #1

Lesson #1

Due to technical difficulties and connections to YouTube at school (Uploading the video), today's video will be delayed. I plan to have it up by 4:45 P.M. later today. This gives us a chance to realize that this is what happens in the real world, don't worry I have a plan B. I will put all of the content on this post and allow the students to view this introductory video and start working with the assignment that will not be due until Thursday. That gives us enough time to adjust and I promise I will find more solutions to make sure this will become a consistent and reliable form and method of doing our homework.

First the Knight in shining armor is going to do an introduction:

And now the Presentation as a PDF. That means a document that lists everything that will usually be on the video. This also gives me a way to help those that do not have the internet or a computer at home with the same material.

Coming ASAP give me a second it is downloading. . . Okay back to Plan B Here is a link to the PDF File
Lesson 1 PDF You don't need to sign in to use this link, just click and view or download.

Okay now plan C, since Plan B was taking so long:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Flipped Model

This will be an exciting year. To introduce the classroom this year, you will become very familiar with a new concept in the coming months. Mr. Fisher's classroom is about to be "Flipped." As this is an introduction, you will get a glimpse of what it will be like in the third grade room.
You will hear more about it, but Mr. Fisher is changing the way you will be doing some of your work. Instead of doing homework sheets every night with little or no instructions, you will need to follow a video. This video will demonstrate the basic concepts, demonstrate examples and basically teach a lesson that you (the student) would normally be taught in school. With those lessons you will then come back to school ready to do the assignment in class. This "flipped" paradigm as it is being called will be more empowering to the students, the parents will be able to understand the homework, and this will allow Mr. Fisher to help students quicker and more effeciently.

To quote some brief statments "The Flipped Classroom isn't a methodology. It's an ideology. (Brian Bennett)." It means the flipped classroom philosophy is fluid and adaptable. It means that when done the right way, it can positively impact student learning regardless of the subject or classroom ( You are welcome to learn more about it: (Here is a Wikipedia Introduction). Monday morning Mr. Fisher will upload the first introduction to this "Flipped" Model and will show you (the students) what is expected and what you will have to do.

Mr. Fisher
Please visit this blog to be ready for the first video:

Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Flipped Classroom

Welcome to Mr. Fisher's Third Grade Flipped Classroom

Expect our class to be a little bit different, and expect to challenge yourself.